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Everything you need to know about the driving licence process

Whether you are doing code 8 , 10 , 11 , 14 or automatic, the below steps in detail explain the entire process. See where you fit in to this process in order to find out what’s the next best step forward to getting your licence.

Step 1

The documents and fee needed to book your learners licence:

ID Document or ( Passport, Visa, Traffic Register if you are a foreign National)

2 ID photos or R50 to take 2 photos at the traffic department

Proof of address in your name not older than 3 months ( If you don’t have proof of address in your name then any person that lives with you can give their proof of address along with a certified copy of their ID document as well as a police affidavit written by them stating you live at the address provided ) These 3 documents will serve as your proof of address.

If you ware specticles you will be required to have them with you as they do an eye test

R68 traffic department booking fee payable at the traffic department.

Once you have all the necessary documents with you its time for step 2, the learners test booking.

Step 2

You can go the nearest traffic department to book your learners test, this appointment date they issue you with at the traffic department can take up to 3 months or you can have a look at one of our learners packages and we can get your learners licence for you within 2 weeks.

Step 3

Once you have the learners test date you will need to study the test information in order to pass the learners test. We can assist you with this in one of our learners courses.

Step 4

Arrive on time on the test day to write the test. You will need to carry your ID document with you. If you arrive late they will not let you into the class room and you will automatically fail the test. After you pass your learners licence they will immediately issue and print out your learners licence form at a fee of R34

Step 5

Most driving schools may advise you to book the test date and then get ready to pass. But we advise you first start your driving lessons and get your basics in memory. Your instructor will be able to asses your learning pace and foresee approximately how long and how many lessons you will need to be a competent driver. Ask the instructor before booking the test, if you book the test before getting prepared it will put you in a pressurized situation not conducive for learning.

Step 6

Once you have the basics in memory and have an idea of how long and how any lessons it will take to get test ready we suggest only then to book the test date. Some traffic department waiting periods may not fall on the same time you will be ready to pass so we suggest you book through a driving school that is aware of the soonest dates available and can make sure you get a date that falls on the same approximate period you will be ready to pass. You can apply for this service here

You will need to carry the same documents used to book your learners licence and the booking fee will be R135.

Step 7

Once you have a driver’s test date, make sure you are test ready at least one to two weeks before your test. The last two week you should not be learning anything new and only doing revision lessons of what you have already learnt.

Step 8

Make sure you do a mock test with your instructor where he does not teach you anything new but rather marks you like the examiner will do on the test day. If you fail the mock test it means you are not test ready and need to add in additional training to fix any errors you are making while driving. If you would like to book a mock test with one of our instructors apply here

Step 9

Cover the test route. This can play a major role in passing the test, knowing what is approaching ahead in the road before it comes into sight is a huge advantage on the test day and also assists in keeping the student calm. You can book the service here

Step 10

Test day preparation

.Before the test day you should of already played the entire test day process out step for step with your instructor. From the time you arrive to the waiting area before the test, where the car will be parked, which examiner you could possibly get, as well as seeing the inside of the parking yard and knowing what order the examiner will most likely perform the parking tasks. This will give you a sense of confidence through your nervousness and be an advantage that allows you to pass the first time. Your instructor should also fill you in on the traffic department characteristics for example some traffic department poles are slightly off on the one side or their may be a dip in the surface of one of the parking bays that can cause the applicant to roll the vehicle. A good instructor will cover all of the mentioned. Your instructor should be experienced with all of this information to ensure effective training. If all the above is covered then you should pass your test on the first attempt. After you pass you will be required to pay the traffic department a fee of R140 to print out your temporary licence and apply for your licence card.

Step 11

After four to six weeks return to the traffic department with your ID document to collect your licence card.

We are experts in our field and we look forward to you making use of these tips and our services.


( Section A applies to foreigners only ) If you are a South African citizen you may skip this section and go directly to Step One

If you’re a foreigner you will need to complete section A before you can start with Step 1 . Documents needed by a foreign national will be 1. Valid passport 2. Work or study visa 3. Proof of address in your name not older than 3 months and 4. Two x ID photos. With these 4 items you may go to any licence department to apply for a Traffic Register Certificate .

This certificate will take between 4 to 12 weeks to arrive and will enable you to book your learners licence at the traffic department. If you are a refugee in possession of refugee status with no visa, you will be able to apply for a South African ID card at any Home Affairs office. This process can take 6 to 12 weeks, thereafer you can follow Step 1 below.

If you would like to get your traffic register within a week please see one of our packages and we can take you to apply for this and get it processed more efficiently

Once you obtain your traffic register from the licence department you may look at step 1

DriveCo Driving School, Ranked as the best driving school in Cape Town, South Africa, offering quality
driving lessons and learners license training at competitive prices.

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Learners Prices
learners theory class R350 code 8: learners + 5 driving lessons R1950 code 8: complete learners and driver’s R3750
Code 8 Prices
5 lessons package R1250 5 lessons (booking) test R1750 10 lessons (booking) R2500 7 lessons (booking) test R2250 10 lessons (booking) test R2950 15 lesson (booking) test R4250 20 lessons (booking) test R5500

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